Confession: Recovering Joy

Here’s a prayer of confession by Bruce Prewer.  It seems especially appropriate for the third Sunday of Advent (Year C) – so many of the suggested scripture readings (Isaiah 12:2-6, Zephaniah 3:14-20, Philippians 4:4-7) speak of joy.

Prayer of Confession:
Repenting and Trusting Grace

Let us confess our sins,
not as frightened servants
but as children of the household of God.

Whenever we live like losers,
without the faith-optimism of those who have received grace upon grace;
Lord have mercy.
Lord have mercy.

Whenever we serve slavishly,
forgetting the glorious liberty
of those who have been named children of God;
Christ have mercy.
Christ have mercy.

Whenever we only laugh sarcastically,
mocking human faults
instead of participating in the joy of the redeemed;
Lord have mercy.
Lord have mercy.

God our Saviour-Friend, by the grace of Christ Jesus
please bring us to repentance and annul our sins,
and by the infusion of your Spirit
help us to recover the joy for which we are created.
With all the enlightened souls on earth and in heaven,
we long love you all the days of our life,
and adore you throughout eternity.
For your name’s sake. Amen!

(Isaiah 12:2-6, Luke 15:10)

With joy draw waters from the well of salvation!
Forgiveness is real!
Trust it and share it; forgive as you have been forgiven.
Jesus said: “There is joy in heaven over one sinner who repents.”
Truly, God is our salvation
we shall trust and not be afraid!

The peace of our Saviour Jesus Christ be with you all.
And also with you.

~ written by Bruce Prewer, and posted on Bruce Prewer’s Home Page.