Here’s a prayer
at the Table for Christmas Eve from Rev. Andy James, pastor at First Presbyterian Church,
Whitestone, New York. He writes: “This communion prayer immediately follows the singing of ‘O Come, All Ye
Faithful’ and so alludes to some of its phrases.”
Communion Prayer: Christmas Eve
The Lord be
with you.
And also with you.
And also with you.
Lift up your
We lift them up to the Lord.
We lift them up to the Lord.
Let us give
thanks to the Lord our God.
It is right to give our thanks and praise.
It is right to give our thanks and praise.
Lord, we greet
you this happy night,
for you have been at work in our world throughout all time.
for you have been at work in our world throughout all time.
You made all
things and called them good.
You claimed
your people Israel,
freed them from the bondage of Egypt,
and journeyed with them through the wilderness to the promised land.
freed them from the bondage of Egypt,
and journeyed with them through the wilderness to the promised land.
You sent
prophets to call your people back to you.
Then in the
fullness of time you sent your Son Jesus,
Immanuel, born the King of Angels,
your Word in flesh appearing.
Immanuel, born the King of Angels,
your Word in flesh appearing.
He was one of
us and lived with us,
giving up all his glory for our sake to make us whole.
giving up all his glory for our sake to make us whole.
And yet you
raised him up again
to overcome the power of death and live a new life.
to overcome the power of death and live a new life.
Still we wait
for the day
when we too
will share the fullness of life in him and with him.
And so with the
faithful of all the ages, we sing the praise and glory of your name:
(all sing “He
Came Down,” Cameroon/WGRG The Iona Community)
And so, O God,
come among us tonight.
Show us your
presence in this bread and this cup,
and make this bread we break and this cup we bless the body and blood of Christ.
and make this bread we break and this cup we bless the body and blood of Christ.
By the power of
your Holy Spirit,
unite us with Christ and all who share this feast,
just as you send us out to be his presence in and for your world.
unite us with Christ and all who share this feast,
just as you send us out to be his presence in and for your world.
Give us courage
to be your people,
to show your justice, grace, mercy, peace, and love,
and to be a part of your transformation of our world
until the day when the baby whose birth we celebrate tonight
comes again in peace
and we sing your praise and glory forever.
to show your justice, grace, mercy, peace, and love,
and to be a part of your transformation of our world
until the day when the baby whose birth we celebrate tonight
comes again in peace
and we sing your praise and glory forever.