(Psalm 22)
God, we read
that people in the past
believed in
you; and you apparently gave them
the strength
they sought.
So why are you
so distant from me?
There have been
times when I have reached out to you,
but you looked
the other way!
disillusionment comes under criticism from so many people.
And those I thought
were my friends, fail to support me.
Truth is, in my
heart of hearts,
I know that you
gave me life at the beginning,
and I felt you
cared for me.
But now I need
you to be closer to me,
because nothing
makes much sense anymore,
and there are
so many huge problems gathered around me.
In all this
tale of misery,
I am talking to
you because you know
my feelings and
And you will
save me—even from my own negative thoughts.
I continue to
believe in your Presence
which is more
than I can
really understand.
You have
planted within us the awareness
of a love which
is eternal, yet very important and personal.
I continue to
believe that people are valued by you,
even when they
fall away from you.
You let that
happen: but you go on feeling the pain
and you are
ready to support them
in their
You are the
Eternal God of us all:
and I dedicate
myself anew to you.
Regardless of
my feelings of insignificance and inadequacy,
I am in awe as
I try to find a way to worship you.
One thing I can
I can be a
carrier of your love
to people all
around me.
~ written by Francis Macnab, in A Fine Wind Blowing. Posted on the Rex AE Hunt website.