Prayer Litany: Psalm 16

Here is a prayer litany based on Psalm 16.  The recurring refrain could be read by a second reader, or the congregation.

(based on Psalm 16)

Keep me safe, O God,
for I come to you for refuge.

In your presence, O God, is joy and contentment.
Show me the path that leads to life.

You are my Lord.
Every good thing I have comes from you.

In your presence, O God, I find joy and contentment.
Show me the path that leads to life.

I bless the Lord,
whose wise teaching guides my days
and centers my mind at night.
God is always present with me.
I will not live in fear, or abandon my calling,
for his presence surrounds me wherever I go.

In your presence, O God, I find joy and contentment.
Show me the path that leads to life.

So my heart is glad,
my soul is full of joy and contentment,
and my body is at rest.
Who could ask for anything more?

In your presence, O God, I find joy and contentment.
Show me the path that leads to life.