Prayer: Breadmaker Supreme

Here’s a prayer of thanksgiving from the Diocese of Bath and Wells website.

Breadmaker Supreme

Take 3 kilos of flour says the recipe …

We thank you, Lord, for flour:
flour made from wheat or other grain,
grown in the mystery of the earth,
ripened in the warmth of the sun;
ripened, then cut down at the hearvest by the farmer’s skill,
ground by the miller,
sold by the shop assistant,
placed in the bowl…
we thank you, Lord, for flour.

We thank you, Lord, for salt:
Jesus told us we were to be salt of the earth,
and we must never lose our flavour.
The salt, which adds flavour to our food,
is also antiseptic to our wounds,
reminding us of the challenge to our faith
and the healing power of Jesus …
We thank you, Lord, for salt.

We thank you, Lord, for yeast:
that small yet living organism
that enables the bread to rise,
that reminds us of the fact that even small works done in Jesus’ name
can enable the kingdom to grow …
we thank you, Lord, for yeast.

We thank you, Lord, for water:
water, without which none of us could live,
water, which forms the other elements of our bread into dough,
which, having risen, and been formed and drawn into shape by human
hands, is baked to give us the staff of life;
water, which cleanses and renews us,
refreshes and revives us,
the water of baptism, which commits us to our faith …
we thank you, Lord, for water…

We thank you, Lord, for bread:
Bread, the basis of the food we eat,
bread for toast, for sandwiches, for bread and jam,
bread for bread pudding and bread for buns –
and bread that is broken and shared in communion with one another,
in remembrance –
remembrance of that night when Jesus sat with his friends at supper,
and broke the bread and gave it to them,
saying, “This is my body broken for you.”
We thank you, Lord, for bread.

~ posted on the Diocese of Bath and Wells website.