Opening Prayer: Hebrews 1: 1-4

Here’s a prayer of praise and adoration inspired by Hebrews 1:1-4.  It was written by Moira Laidlaw.

Prayer of Praise and Adoration
(inspired by Hebrews 1:1-4)

We praise you, O God,
for breaking through to us in the person of Jesus, your Son, our Lord. 
When the words of the prophets went unheard
and when their actions were ignored,
you spoke the creative word once more. 
Bringing order out of chaos again—
this time not to bring a world into being, 
but to bring your very being into the world.
The essence of your love taking on our flesh.

In the midst of this congregation, we praise you.
With our lives, we worship you.

Gracious God, Creator, Redeemer and Sustainer,
to you be all glory and honour, now and forever.  Amen

~ written by Moira Laidlaw, and posted on Liturgies Online.