Confession: We long for wisdom

Here’s a prayer of confession inspired by Proverbs 1:20-33.  It was written by Rev. Andy James of the First Presbyterian Church in Queens, New York.

(inspired by Proverbs 1:20-33)

We long for wisdom, O Lord, but prefer that it be our own.
We turn away from the ideas of others
and ignore the possibility and promise that come
from life together with you.
Most of all,
we drown out your gift of Wisdom as she seeks to get our attention,
for we believe that we know better
or would prefer to decide where we make her welcome.
Forgive us, loving God.
Bring an end to the self-righteousness that ignores you,
and awaken us anew to the Wisdom that comes only from you.
Show us how to walk in your ways
and listen to your promise each and every day.

~ written by Rev. Andy James, New York.  Posted on LiturgyLink.