Opening Prayer: The Face of Love

Here’s an opening prayer from Moira Laidlaw.

Prayer of Approach

Not one of us is worthy to approach you,
O God, Creator of the universe, holy and all-powerful.
Yet you have approached us
and have shown us the human face of your love
in Jesus, your Son, our Saviour.
He revealed your love and mercy by living as he did—
serving others and accepting them
as people made in your image and likeness.
He pointed us towards a world in which each and every person
could realise his or her identity as a precious child of yours.
He even gifted us with the Holy Spirit
so that the very fabric of our existence is woven with the thread of his life.
May this time of worship be a true reflection
of our thanksgiving, wonder and praise over such blessings.
This we pray in Jesus’ name. Amen

~ written by Moira Laidlaw, and posted on Liturgies Online.