Litany: Preparing the Table

Here’s a litany of preparation for use at the Lord’s Table. It was written by Brian Wren.

Litany: What do you bring?

What do you bring to Christ’s table?
We bring bread,
made by many people’s work
from an unjust world
where some have plenty
and most go hungry.

At this table, all are fed
and no one turned away.
Thanks be to God

What do you bring to Christ’s table?
We bring wine,
made by many people’s work
from an unjust world
where some have leisure
and most struggle to survive

At this table, all share the cup
of pain and celebration
And no one is denied.
Thanks be to God

These gifts shall be for us
the body and blood of Christ,
Our witness against hunger,
our cry against injustice,
And our hope for a world
where God is fully known
And every child is fed.
Thanks be to God

~ written by Brian Wren, from ‘Bread of Tomorrow’, ed. Janet Morley, Christian Aid/SPCK 1992.  Posted on the Monthly Prayers page of the Christian Aid website.