Here’s a prayer of confession based on Ephesians 6:10-20, the suggested Epistle reading for Proper 16 B (Ordinary 21 B), the thirteenth Sunday after Pentecost. It was written by Amy Loving.
Prayer of Confession
(inspired by Ephesians 6:10-20)
Spirit of God, we confess that we put on airs more often than we put on the armor of God. We are guilty of girding ourselves with lies instead of the truth. We try to protect ourselves with arrogance, superstition, and self-reliance instead of righteousness, faith, and your gift of salvation. Our footsteps do not follow your path of peace. And we are quick to use your Word to attack one another, instead of striking out against the sins we personally commit. Forgive us, Holy God. Gift us with the wisdom and strength to change our ways, so that we may live as your faithful ambassadors of the Good News.
~ written by Amy Loving. Posted on The Worship Closet website.