Call to Worship Litany: Psalm 146

Here’s a litany of praise from Psalm 146.  It could be read by one or two readers, or shared between leader and congregation.

Call to Worship Litany
(based on verses from Psalm 146)

Come, let us praise God together!
Blessed are we who place our trust in the Lord our God.

For our God is the Maker of the heavens, the earth, the sea,
and everything  that lives within them;

Our God keeps every promise,
and remains faithful forever.

Our God gives justice to those who are oppressed,
and food to those who are starving.

Our God frees the prisoners,
opens the eyes of the blind,
and lifts the burdens of those who are overwhelmed.

Our God cherishes those who do what is right,
protects the immigrants,
cares for the orphans and widows,
but frustrates the plans of the wicked.

Our God reigns—today, tomorrow and forever.
Praise God!