Prayers of the People: Proper 11 B

Here’s a prayer of intercession from the Church of Scotland’s Starters for Sunday website.

Prayer of Intercession

How we wish, God, the Creator,
that you would save all your people
as you did the Israelites when you journeyed with them in your tent.

How we wish, God, the earthly miracle worker,
that you still traveled the earth
and that people would touch the edge of your cloak
and be healed from their diseases and disabilities.

How we wish, God, the Spirit of truth and peace,
that you would move as you did at Pentecost
to help people understand one another
and thus avoid the mistrust and violence that scars our planet.

God, present and working in creation,
help us not to wish but to witness
that salvation, healing and peace
are still fruits of your movement in our world.

There are many places and many people that need those fruits today
and we bring them before you now:

(Include situations of concern internationally, nationally and locally
introduce a period of silence)

Enfolding God,
help us not only dedicate these situations and people
to your care and keeping
but empower us to walk alongside those in need,
to fight for justice for the oppressed
and to allow others to see you in us.
We ask these things in Christ’s name.

~ posted on the Church of Scotland’s Starters for Sunday website.