Pastoral Prayer: Hunger and Thirst

Here’s a prayer of petition and intercession inspired by the suggested scripture readings for Proper 13B (the tenth Sunday after Pentecost).  It was written by Nancy C. Townley.

Pastoral Prayer
(inspired by Exodus 16, John 6)

It is easy for us to go through the motions of spirituality. We want to say the "right" prayers, and think that we have found the magical key to make holiness appear in our lives. But we are empty, Lord. We hunger and thirst for something that will sustain us through all the times of our lives. We chase after things that will disappoint and hurt, and look past the very thing that will heal and cleanse our lives. Christ is your Bread of Life, the Manna from Heaven, which was and is sent to feed and sustain us in all the wildernesses through which we travel. Help us to stop running after the glitz and glitter, the easy wealth; help us to look truly for the one who will quench our thirst and nourish our souls. As we have lifted up names of people and situations which lay heavy on our hearts today that need your healing touch, help us to remember that we stand continually in need of your healing mercy. Bring us to you, with open and repentant hearts, for your loving care. As we receive the wondrous gift of bread and wine, may we truly be reminded that Christ nurtures and feeds us with his own life. When we have been nourished, may we go from this place in renewed commitment to serve you, O God, with our very lives. Amen.

~ written by Nancy C. Townley, and posted on the Ministry Matters website.