Confession: We are David

Here’s a litany of confession and promise based on the life of King David.  It was written by Katherine Hawker.

Litany of Confession and Promise
(2 Samuel)

David loved Jonathon
yet he wore the uniform of Jonathon's killer.
David danced for joy in the streets
while Michal bore witness to his drunken excess.
David's power and status grew
as did his scorn of the blind and the lame.
David wanted to build a temple
thus proving his devotion.
David built a legacy of broken lives
thus proving his culpability.
We are David,
mourning the loss of our love and our innocence.
We are David,
guilty of exploiting those entrusted to our care.
We are David,
unexpected hero and unrepentant scoundrel.
We are David,
we belong to God.

 ~ written by Katherine Hawker, on Liturgy Outside.