Benediction: Psalm 130

Here’s a closing commission and benediction based on Psalm 130.  It was written by Jeff Shrowder.

Commissioning and Blessing
(based on Psalm 130)

Wait for the LORD,
I wait with deep longing;
and in his word I stand, waiting in hope.
Hope in the LORD!
For with the LORD there is steadfast love, 
and with the LORD is great power to save.

Go into the world with assurance, hope and promise:
the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ rest upon you – and even unsettle you;
the love of God, creator and giver of life, embrace you – and even confront you;
and the presence of the Holy Spirit encourage you – and surprise you,
this day and all your days.   Amen

~ Copyright ©  Jeff Shrowder 2000.  For use in worship, with acknowledgement. Posted on The Billabong website.