Here’s a prayer of petition inspired by Psalm 23. It was written by Michael Perry.
Praying for God’s Presence
(inspired by Psalm 23)
Lord, you are our Shepherd;
you give us all we need,
you make us to rest in green pastures,
you lead us beside still waters,
you restore our soul,
you guide us in paths of righteousness.
Even when we walk through the valley of the shadow of death
you will be with us to comfort us:
let your merciful goodness
and your unfailing love
follow us all the days of our life,
until we live in your presence for ever. Amen.
let your merciful goodness
and your unfailing love
follow us all the days of our life,
until we live in your presence for ever. Amen.
~ written by Michael Perry, and posted on The Jubilate Group website. Visit that website for many other free worship resources. If you use this prayer in worship, be sure to report it on your CCLI license.
For other worship resources based on Psalm 23, click on Psalm 23 in the list of “Labels” at the lower right side of the page.