Gospel Reflection: Mark 5:21-43

Here’s a thoughtful reflection on the gospel story in Mark 5.  It was written by Anne Osdieck.

Gospel Reflection
(based on Mark 5:21-43)

“She had heard about Jesus,
so she came up behind him through the crowd
and touched the fringe of his robe.”  Matthew 5:27

They risked it all to come to him:

risked his pride,
kneeling to a carpenter,
begging for his daughter’s life,

The woman with the blood risked
shame and disgrace
heaped upon her
by the crowd.

O Christ,
we are just like Jairus.
And we bleed like the woman.
We want to touch you
with the faith
you give

Heal us.

— written by Anne Osdieck, and posted on The Sunday Website of St. Louis University.  http://liturgy.slu.edu/