Prayer of Intercession: A Desperate World

Here’s a thoughtful prayer of intercession from John van de Laar’s website.  It would be especially suitable for use on Trinity Sunday (the first Sunday after Pentecost).

Prayers of the People

We are a world that is desperate for you, God.

When powers struggle for dominance,
and war, oppression and abuse result;
When groups of people oppose one another
    because of ideology, religion or culture;
We need a God who is bigger than ourselves,
and our personal interests.

(Prayer may be offered for specific areas of conflict in the world.)

When people are disregarded and devalued
   because of poverty, geography or disease;
When compassion and justice is withheld to some
because of sexuality, race or gender;
We need a Saviour who is more compassionate than we are
   who includes even those we would exclude.

(Prayer may be offered for specific people and places
of suffering in the world.)

When resources are mismanaged and abused,
   and the world and its creatures are destroyed;
When motivation is scarce and creativity is in short supply
   to address the challenges that we face;
We need a Spirit who is more powerful and more creative
   than we could ever be.

(Prayer may be offered for specific challenges and issues
that we struggle with in the world.)

Lord God, Loving Saviour, Empowering Spirit,
   we offer you these prayers
   because we need you so desperately.
Captivate us, call us and fill us,
   that we may be carriers of your eternal life
   to this world that you love so dearly. Amen.

— written by John van de Laar © 2008  Visit his website for many other excellent lectionary-based resources.