Father's Day Confession

Here’s a prayer of confession for Father’s Day written by Nick Fawcett.

Prayer of Confession for Father’s Day

Gracious God,
you are the Creator of the ends of the earth,
and yet you call us your children.
You are greater than we can ever begin to imagine,
and yet you invite us to call you “Our Father”.
Always you have loved us:
forgive our feeble response.

You do not keep us at arm’s length,
remote in your holiness,
but you reach out your hands in love,
wanting us to relate to you, one to one.
Always you have loved us:
forgive our feeble response.

Gracious God,
Forgive us that we call you “Our Father”
but fail to live as your children.
We do not trust you as we should,
preferring instead to follow our own inclinations.
We are reluctant to accept your will,
repeatedly disobeying your instructions.
We are slow to ask your guidance,
but swift to forget you and wander from your side.
We all too rarely thank you for what we have,
but all too often complain
when we do not receive what we ask for.
Always you have loved us:
forgive our feeble response.

Gracious God,
We have returned your love by acting as spoilt children,
yet still you have kept faith.
Accept our thanks that, despite our willfulness,
you refuse to give up on us,
working instead to draw us closer.
You are always there for us,
waiting to welcome us back
and set us on our feet again.
Always you have loved us:
forgive our feeble response.

Gracious God, our Father,
we praise and thank you for your undeserved goodness,
and we resolve today
to live more faithfully as your children.
Always you have loved us:
forgive our feeble response.
In the name of Jesus Christ, your Son, our Lord.

— written by Nick Fawcett, and posted on the Mother’s Union website. http://www.themothersunion.org/

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