Prayer of Intercession: Easter 4

Here’s a prayer of intercession for the fourth Sunday after Easter from the website.

Prayer of Intercession

Lord, we ask for the courage of the Good Shepherd,
who lays down his life for his sheep.

We pray for those prepared to suffer
and even to die for what they believe in.

We pray for those whose lives and rights are sacrificed
in the name of power and greed.

We pray for those who risk themselves
by accompanying others along paths of deep suffering,
through valleys of fear and despair.

Lord we ask for the compassion of the good shepherd
who leads his sheep to safe pasture.

We pray for those who work to feed and shelter and educate
the poor peoples of our world.

We pray for those skilled at nursing and healing
those who are suffering or ill In body, mind or spirit.

We pray for those who care, for the victims of our society,
those unable to cope with life, the neglected, the abused.

Lord, we ask for the love of the Good Shepherd
who knows his sheep by name.

We pray for our church, for minister and office bearers,
for its preachers and teachers and all engaged in pastoral care.

We pray for those we know,
relatives or friends who are facing difficult times.


We pray for ourselves
that we might hear the call from our Good Shepherd
and follow his way of love.

We make all our prayers in Christ’s name. Amen.

— from Companion to the Lectionary, Volume 4, by Christine Odell.  Posted on the website.