Prayer: God of Merriment

God of merriment,
for whom the morning stars sing together
and all the children of God shout for joy,
help us keep our sense of humour.

When those around us get hyped-up
about the latest scientific discovery or technological wizardry,
help us to see the comical side of human self importance.
When we take ourselves too seriously,
as if the church were built on our devout efforts,
enable us to chuckle at our folly.

When evil parades itself in finery and thinks it owns the world,
or when untimely death appears to cut off saints in their prime,
fill us with the robust joy of Easter.

God of ‘solid joys and lasting pleasures’,
because of all your victories in Christ Jesus,
liberate us to share in the song of the morning stars
and the joyful shouts of the children of God.
Today and forever more. Amen!  

— written by Bruce Prewer, and posted on Bruce Prewer’s Homepage.

For more worship resources for Holy Humor Sunday, click on Laughter / Holy Humor Sunday in the list of “Labels” at the lower right side of the page.