Pentecost Prayer: A New Reality

Here’s an opening prayer for Pentecost Sunday from Sonya Dyer.

Veni Sancte Spiritu
(Come, Holy Spirit)
Holy one, we come
ready to receive anew the gifts of your spirit
that will give us vision
to form and reform ourselves as a people of Pentecost.

Come, Holy Spirit, come and be a new reality.
Free us from fear.
Give us courage to speak of your marvelous ways
and of your hope
so that we may live each day fully.

Come, Holy Spirit, come and be a new reality.
Awaken us so that we may be bold to be
the body of Christ's presence in the world,
renewing our life together,
renewing the world.

Come, Holy Spirit, come and be a new reality.
Spirited wind of change
enable the bending of what is rigid,
the reversal of what has gone astray,
the freshness of new possibility.

Come, Holy Spirit, come and be a new reality.
Come as comforter and offer us and all people
relief, consolation and companionship.
Tend to our woundedness.
Restore us to life that we may be healers.

Come, Holy Spirit, come and be a new reality.
Reconcilor and spirit for justice,
empower our prophet's voice
that it may be heard throughout the land
retelling the gospel vision,
praying for the unity of all true spirits.

Come, Holy Spirit, come.
You are the reason
this gathering is a holy place.
Come, Holy Spirit, and be a new reality.

— from Sonya Dyer’s Prayerbook, posted on the Seekers Church website. 

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