Here is a prayer of approach inspired by the suggested scripture readings for the sixth Sunday of Easter. It was written by Moira Laidlaw.
Prayer of Approach
(inspired by Psalm 98, John 15:9-17)
We, who so often take the wonders of creation for granted, welcome the opportunity to make a joyful noise before you, O God. We come here this morning to worship and to praise you, glad that we live in this country filled with such diverse and beautiful examples of your creation. Yet, joyful noises are not easy for everyone to make, as we come from differing situations and lifestyles. Some are burdened down with the stresses of daily living and all that involves; some wearied from tasks of serving others; some worried over the state of the world and where that is all leading. Speak to us all, O God, in the stillness of this time and remind us of Jesus’ willingness to take our burdens upon himself and to learn from him - to experience his gentleness and steadfast love for all. Jesus also offers us his joy so that our joy might be complete. Confident in these promises, we offer this time of worship to you, O God, praying that it may reflect our praise and thanksgiving for the gifts of creation and for all that Jesus has done for us. This we pray in his name. Amen.
— written by Moira Laidlaw, and posted on her Liturgies Online website.