Here’s a thoughtful act of confession from Thom Shuman’s Lectionary Liturgies blog (see below for link).
Call to Reconciliation
How often have we heard the good news of forgiveness and restoration? Yet, we are still reluctant to believe. God offers us new life, yet we are afraid to let go of the old. Let us confess our doubts and fears to the One who waits to make us whole.
Unison Prayer of Confession
We use a lot of words, Gracious God, but do little to turn them into deeds. Instead of being of one heart and soul, we choose sides and form groups of folks just like us. Blessed with great grace, we have trouble sharing it with those who need it the most.
Forgive us, God of love. Forgive us, as we step out of our shadows into your light. Restore us, as we reveal our brokenness. Hear us, as we proclaim Jesus Christ as our Lord and our God.
Silent Prayers may be offered
Assurance of Pardon
This is the good news we have declare: God leads
us out of the shadows to walk in the light of Christ.
This is the word we have heard: our faithful God
forgives our sins and raises us to new life.
How often have we heard the good news of forgiveness and restoration? Yet, we are still reluctant to believe. God offers us new life, yet we are afraid to let go of the old. Let us confess our doubts and fears to the One who waits to make us whole.
Unison Prayer of Confession
We use a lot of words, Gracious God, but do little to turn them into deeds. Instead of being of one heart and soul, we choose sides and form groups of folks just like us. Blessed with great grace, we have trouble sharing it with those who need it the most.
Forgive us, God of love. Forgive us, as we step out of our shadows into your light. Restore us, as we reveal our brokenness. Hear us, as we proclaim Jesus Christ as our Lord and our God.
Silent Prayers may be offered
Assurance of Pardon
This is the good news we have declare: God leads
us out of the shadows to walk in the light of Christ.
This is the word we have heard: our faithful God
forgives our sins and raises us to new life.
Thanks be to God. Amen.
— written by Thom Shuman, and posted on his excellent Lectionary Liturgies blog. Visit his site for many other great lectionary-based worship resources.
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