Call to Worship, Prayer: Psalm 22

Here’s a call to worship and opening prayer based on Psalm 22: 25-31.  They were written by Moira Laidlaw.

Call to Worship
(based on Psalm 22:25-31)
Let our praise for all that God has done
resound within and beyond these walls.
When all people turn to God and worship God,
the poor shall eat and be satisfied,
and justice and peace will surely embrace
present and future generations.
Therefore, in thanksgiving for all that God has done,
let our lives and our love proclaim the message
of God's gracious and liberating acts.

Opening Prayer
(based on Psalm 22:25-31)

We, like the Psalmist, cry out in praise and thanksgiving in response to God's eternal loving-kindness, holding us, guiding us, enfolding us with grace. And, as we gather here as people of God, we pray that our worship will reflect that divine love. We offer our worship today with the remembrance of Easter still filling us with joy, and with the anticipation of Pentecost firing our devotion.  Let our praise for all that God has done, is doing and will do, truly resound within our hearts and our homes, within these walls and beyond. In Jesus' name we pray. Amen.

— written by Moira Laidlaw, and posted on her Liturgies Online website.