Good Friday Intercessions

Here’s a prayer of intercession for worship on Good Friday.  It was written by Bruce Prewer.

Prayer of the People for Good Friday

We seek your saving grace, God of Christ Jesus, for all those who on this Good Friday are lost among their doubts, sins, griefs or fears.
            O crucified Christ, have mercy on your sisters and brothers.
            O God of the Cross, deliver us from all evil.

For those who suffer gravely from the cruel abuse of their fellows, and all who suffer because of the apathy and neglect of respectable people.
            O crucified Christ, have mercy on your sisters and brothers.
            O God of the Cross, deliver us from all evil.

For some who are suffering from disease or accident, and the many who suffer because of terrorism and war.
            O crucified Christ, have mercy on your sisters and brothers.
            O God of the Cross, deliver us from all evil.

For people who bear their suffering alone and unaided, and others who though surrounded by medical personnel and equipment, still find their pain unbearable.
            O crucified Christ, have mercy on your sisters and brothers.
            O God of the Cross, deliver us from all evil.

For those who suffer abuse at home or at work, and the many children who suffer from the bullying or rejection of their peers.
            O crucified Christ, have mercy on your sisters and brothers.
            O God of the Cross, deliver us from all evil.

For any who suffer a painful, terminal illness, and those loved one whose spirits are this day torn by raw grief.
            O crucified Christ, have mercy on your sisters and brothers.
            O God of the Cross, deliver us from all evil.

For those who in their suffering have no faith to support them, and any who’s once-vibrant faith seems to be ebbing away under stress.
            O crucified Christ, have mercy on your sisters and brothers.
            O God of the Cross, deliver us from all evil.

For all who in suffering still trust and praise their God, and those who while suffering themselves still give comfort to their distressed friends and loved one.
            O crucified Christ, have mercy on your sisters and brothers.
            O God of the Cross, deliver us from all evil.

Loving God, we commit into your hands our lives, that in sickness or in health, in joy or in sorrow, we may carry (without grumbling) whatever cross you give us, and always have time and love for those who are falling down under the weight of their hardship. This we ask through Christ Jesus our redeemer. Amen.

— written by Bruce Prewer, and posted on Bruce Prewer’s Homepage.  Visit his website for many other excellent worship resources.  

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