Prayers of the People: Maundy Thursday

Here’s a prayer of intercession based on the scripture readings for Maundy Thursday.  It comes from the Presbyterian Church USA.

Prayer of Intercession
(based on John 17)

Loving, listening God,
ever-attentive to the voices of those in need,
we call on your name so that we might live.
Now hear our prayer:

For the church that bears Christ’s name,
that the world may know we are his disciples
by the love that we have for one another.

Lord, in your mercy, hear our prayer.

For leaders of nations and all persons in positions of authority,
that their lives may be marked by Christ-like service and love.

Lord, in your mercy, hear our prayer.

For all who are oppressed and living in captivity,
that they may escape from evil and death
to find the land of freedom you have promised.

Lord, in your mercy, hear our prayer.

For those who are hungry and thirsty this day
and for those who have too much,
that we may learn to share your generous gifts, O God.

Lord, in your mercy, hear our prayer.

For those who are dealing with loss or facing death,
that the presence of Christ may bless and keep them.

Other petitions may be included,
or worshipers may be invited to offer their own prayers,
silently or aloud.

Answer us in the day of trouble, O God,
so that we may lift up the cup of salvation
in the presence of your people,
giving thanks for all your goodness to us;
through Jesus Christ our Savior. Amen.

— posted on the Worship Resources for Maundy Thursday page of the Presbyterian Church USA.

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