Prayers of the People: Lent 1

Here’s a prayer of intercession written by Rev. Richard J. Fairchild, and posted on his Kir-shalom website.

Prayer of Intercession for the First Sunday of Lent
(inspired by Matthew 4:1-11, Mark 1:9-15, Luke 4:1-13)

Lord God - sometimes you call us into the wilderness – into those places where we must rely totally upon you for our survival – at other times your Spirit drives us into those places - and each time we have entered those places we have been tempted and tested - tempted to turn back before the time is right for turning back, tempted to give up before the time you have appointed for our testing and for our growing is past.  Help us, Lord, should this be a time in our lives when we feel alone - a time in which we feel oppressed by the evil one - help us to claim the blessings that you have prepared for  us in the middle of the wilderness - lead us on our journey - and bring    us safe to the other side... 

Lord, hear our prayer, and in Your love, answer.

Lord God, there are many among us who face barren times - wilderness times in     their lives.  Help us to minister your loving presence to them in those times so that they may come through the wilderness and enter the promised land. Help us to bring food to the hungry, water to the thirsty, shelter to the homeless, courage to those who faint, and hope to those who are tempted to despair...  

Lord, hear our prayer, and in Your love, answer.

Lord God, in this time of impending conflict between nations - this time when we are being tested to see if we will do justice as well as love mercy - we pray for guidance - and for your light to lead the way of the rulers of our nation and the nations about us.... 

Lord, hear our prayer, and in Your love, answer.

Lord God, hear our prayers for those among us who are in need - those whom we name before you now....

(Bidding Prayer)

We ask these things through Jesus,
our brother, our Saviour, and our Lord. Amen.

— written by Richard J. Fairchild, and posted on his Kir-shalom website.