Prayer of Intercession: Lent 1

Here’s a prayer of intercession based on the scripture readings for the first Sunday     of Lent, Year B (February 26, 2012).  It comes from the Lutheran Church of Australia’s Sunday by Sunday website.

Prayer of Intercession: February 26, 2012
(based on Genesis 9:8-17; 1 Peter 3:18-22; Mark 1:9-15)

Almighty Creator of the universe, and loving Father of us all:

Every rainbow reminds us that you are in control of the earth, of nature, of the seasons, and of the end. Your Spirit enriches the earth with the gift of life to all creatures, including all the varieties of birds and animals. Help us to care for the environment so that the earth is a healthier place to live for our children and all the generations who follow us. Help us to live like the humble earthworms who leave the soil richer and more fertile after using it, so that your name is then respected and honoured by all peoples.

We thank you for your Son, our Lord Jesus, who has taken all our sins, especially those we are ashamed of from our past, and paid for them on the cross even before we were born. Renew us to be more humble and loving like he is, so that we can be walking advertisements for you wherever you lead us in the coming weeks.

By your Holy Spirit, help us to swim in and enjoy the waters of our baptism in the way that surfers love to live in the waters and ride on the waves each day. Let us live with a good conscience along with all your people who flock to the living waters on the shore of eternity, as we anticipate the resurrection we share with our Lord, Jesus Christ.

Have mercy on
·         those who want to give up on life
·         those who are afraid of the future
·         those who look for fulfilment in evil
·         those who are addicted to destructive drugs
      like alcohol and the illegal drugs in our society,
      as well as hatred or pride or other evils.

Send your Spirit to strengthen your children as they travel like backpackers over the earth, moving on each day a little closer to their permanent home with Jesus in heaven.

Bless the work of those who minister like angels to the sick and dying, to the people who are depressed and to those who want to give up on life here in your world.    Watch over those who work in dangerous occupations to make the world a safer place for us to enjoy.

As we come to your table today, we thank you for filling our deepest hunger with the bread of life, Jesus himself. Quench our deepest thirst through the wine of his suffering, which was too deep for us to drink. We watch in wonder and praise as we focus on him during this Lenten season. In these days draw us closer to the one    who died for us, for his sake. Amen.

— from the Lutheran Church of Australia’s Sunday by Sunday website.  

For more worship resources for February 26, 2012 (the first Sunday of Lent), click on Lent 1 B in the list of “Labels” at the lower right side of the page.

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