Palm Sunday: Sending Out

Here’s a litany for the close of worship on Palm Sunday.  It was written by Jeanyne Slettom. 

Sending Litany for Palm Sunday

This is a vision of the way it can be, the way it should be—
Shouts of welcome, a joyful procession,
a community celebrating together.
The same vision is offered to us today:
We can welcome Christ into our lives;
We can celebrate his transforming power.
How swiftly things changed back then,
How swiftly we, too, can be distracted.
May we hold fast to his vision of goodness—
Peace from the practice of justice,
equality from the practice of respect.
As this week unfolds,
We will let ourselves be overtaken by God’s love
We will pour it back out into the world.

— written by Jeanyne Slettom, and posted on Process and Faith. 

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