Here’s a benediction for Maundy Thursday. It comes from the last paragraph of Benediction, a Maundy Thursday meditation by Rev. Shelli Williams.
A Sending for Maundy Thursday
This night is our calling to go into the world,
scattered to the ends of the earth
to love as Christ loved
and serve in the name of Christ.
It is our calling to remember,
even in our darkest hour,
who we are.
We remember that Christ is always with us.
And we remember that on this night,
we were taught how to love.
On this night, eternity begins
and the fullness of God’s Reign begins to spill into our lives.
So go into the world to give yourself for others,
in the name of Jesus Christ our Lord.
Go into the world and love
in the name of the One who loved you until the end.
It all begins and ends and begins again with Love.
That IS the story. Amen.
— written by Rev. Shelli Williams, in Benediction. Posted on the website of St. Paul’s United Methodist Church, Houston, Texas.
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