Confession, Preparation: Ash Wednesday

Here’s a beautiful prayer of confession and preparation for Ash Wednesday (February 22, 2012).  It was written by John van de Laar, and posted on his excellent website. 

This prayer is part of a longer liturgy, A Liturgy for Ash Wednesday.  To read the liturgy in its entirety, click here.  

Prayer of Confession & Preparation

Holy and Most Beautiful Lord,
We are humbled by Your compassion and mercy.
We recognise that within us is much that has hurt and offended You.
We acknowledge our faithlessness
and admit that we are undeserving of Your commitment to us.


But now, empowered by Your grace,
given to us through Jesus's life, death and resurrection.
We seek to renew our commitment,
and consciously deepen our relationship with You.

We recognise, O Lord, that we are simply dust.
Remind us through these ashes of our dependence on You,
and Your devotion to us.
May we know the strength of Your Spirit as we seek to follow You;
May we know the discipline of Your love as we seek to draw nearer to You;
May we know the insight of Your wisdom as we seek to learn of You.
As we receive the ashes upon our foreheads,
may we know the joy of sharing with You in ministry,
in suffering, in death and in life.
For Your glory and your kingdom's sake.

— copyright © John van de Laar, on his Sacredise website.

For other worship resources for Ash Wednesday (February 22, 2012), click on Ash Wednesday in the list of “Labels” at the lower right side of the page.