Here’s a prayer of confession and commitment on the theme of justice. It was written for Martin Luther King, Jr. Day (the third Monday in January).
A Covenant Prayer: Recommitment to Justice
One: O God, who has created your children to be free,
we attest in word and deed
that you are our God and we are your people.
From our earliest days you have called us forth
from self-seeking bondage, comfort,
complacency, and complaint,
to freeing and redeeming action for justice
everywhere in the world.
All: You are our freeing God,
and we would be your free and freeing people.
Two: O God of Exodus and the Burning Bush,
of the Prophets and of Jesus,
we hear your powerful calling to be your servants
in the service of all those who are oppressed.
At every turn we hear your voice in the cries of the poor,
the hungry, the imprisoned, and the broken,
for you made yourself one with those who seek justice,
freedom, and peace.
We share a vision, a promise,
and a yearning for the day of your reign, O God.
All: You are our servant God,
and we would be your serving people.
Three: O God, Our Sustainer,
search our hearts and reveal to us our sinfulness,
all the ways that we contribute to injustice
and to self-destroying bondage.
Give us deep courage to find the true path of your way,
ready to give our very selves as living sacrifices for your will.
We have heard your calling.
Hear us now as we make our pledge. (All rise, if able).
All: You are our God and we are your people.
We pledge ourselves now to pursue relentlessly
that living, breathing justice
which transforms persons and peoples.
To your will for justice we recommit ourselves
and pledge ourselves, our funds, our actions.
Through Christ we pray. Amen.
— from Martin Luther King Day Liturgy, posted on the Presbyterian USA website.
For more resources for Martin Luther King, Jr. Day worship, click on Martin Luther King, Jr. in the list of “Labels” at the lower right side of the page.