Opening Prayer: Epiphany 2 B

Here’s a responsive prayer based on the scripture readings for January 15, 2012 (the second Sunday after Epiphany).  It was written by Rev. Elsa A. Peters.

Responsive Invocation

Something made the hairs stand up on our necks. Was it you, O God?
Was it you that we saw blowing over the water? 
Was it you that we heard moving through those feet?
Was it you that we felt in the beating of our own hearts?
Was it you that called our names?
Come, O God. Come to search us. Come to know us again.
We were knit in your womb. We have tried to count your works.
Come, O God, so that we can hear you calling our names.
Here and now.

— written by Rev. Elsa A. Peters, Pastor and Teacher of the First Congregational UCC in South Portland, ME, and posted on the United Church of Christ’s Worship Ways website. She blogs about ministry and liturgy at:

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