Advent Candle Litanies for Year B

Here is a set of Advent candle litanies written by Rev. Michael Piazza, Dean and National Pastor of the Cathedral of Hope UCC, Dallas Texas.

The First Sunday of Advent

One:     As our days grow shorter and our nights longer,
            we who are people of faith turn to symbols
            such as candles, evergreens and wreaths
            to proclaim our belief in the unquenchable light.
            In hopeful anticipation,
            we prepare for the coming of the Reign of God.
            Listen for the Word in the words of the prophet
            for the first Sunday of this new church year:

All:       We open our hearts to the Word in the words.

One:     A reading from the Prophet Isaiah, Chapter 64, verses 1 to 9.
            (The Scripture passage is read.)

All:       As we begin our journey to the light,
            we confess that our lives have not always been lived
            in ways pleasing to God.
            Our shame has left us feeling distant from
            the One who is both Mother and Father to us all,
            the One in whose hands we are like clay.
            Yet even now,
            our longing for the One
            who tears open the heavens and comes down
            kindles like a fire in our soul.
            Even now as we wait, we dare to hope.

One:     We who are pregnant with anticipation
            feel hope rise up within us.
            And so we light this first candle
            and name it Hope.

Hymn: Shine on Us  (Michael W. Smith)
            Now Bless the God of Israel

For the litanies for Advent 2, 3, 4 and Christmas Eve, click here.  

— Rev. Michael Piazza, in A Liturgy of Light: Sundays in Advent and Christmas Eve, Advent Candle Lighting Service for Year B.  Copyright 2008 Local Church Ministries, Worship and Education Ministry Team, United Church of Christ. Posted on the United Church of Christ’s Worship Ways website. 

For more worship resources for the season of Advent, see this index of Advent Worship Resourcesor click on Advent 1, 2, 3, or 4 in the list of “Labels” at the lower right side of the page.  For Christmas worship resources, see this index of Christmas Worship Resources.