Advent Call to Worship, Candle Lighting

Here is a call to worship for Advent, followed by a litany for the lighting of the Advent wreath.  They were written by Lisa Frenz.  She uses the following abbreviations:

P: Presiding Minister
A: Assisting Minister
C: Congregation

Call to Worship and Wreath Litany

A: There is an ember of hope -
C: The banked fire of creation -
A: The promise of God
C: To Adam
A: To Eve
C: To us.
A: It glows in every heart;
C: In every soul it seeks to burst into flame.

Sung refrain: "O Come"
Lisa Frenz copyright 2001, or other appropriate refrain/song.
The Advent Wreath is lit during the song.
Repeat song as necessary.

A: Here is the ember of hope:
P: In a story passed on through the ages,
C: In a love surpassing all loves,
A: In a God who sacrifices self,
P: In the birth of a child
C: Who is God,
A: Jesus of Nazareth,
P: Emmanuel, God with us.
C: An ember whose flame will kindle the world.

— written by Lisa Frenz, in Word of God Come Be With Us: An Advent Order for Holy Communion, and posted Lisa’s Liturgies.  If used in worship, include the following note: “Copyright Lisa Frenz. All Rights Reserved. Used with permission."