Call to Worship: Matthew 25: 14-30

Here’s a call to worship based on Matthew 25: 14-30, the suggested gospel reading for November 13, 2011 (Proper 28A, Ordinary 33A).  It was written by Nancy C. Townley, and posted on the Ministry Matters website. 

Call to Worship
(based on Matthew 25: 14-30)

The time for harvest is close at hand.
What have you done with the gifts God has given you?
We have brought our gifts to the house of the Lord.
Praise God for the gifts and for opportunities for service that they represent.
We praise God for all the ways in which our lives have been blessed.
Generous God, accept our gifts and our lives this day.
Loving God, accept our praise and gratitude. AMEN.

— written by Nancy C. Townley, and posted on the Worship Connection page of the Ministry Matters website. Visit there for other great suggestions for worship on November 13, 2011.