Confident in the knowledge that God comforts and lifts up
those who call on the name of the Lord,
let us pray for the church, the world and all those in need.
A brief silence.
For the gift of life, O Lord, we give you thanks.
Infuse us with your light, and make us vehicles of that life-giving light.
O God of mercy,
hear our prayer.
For all who live with fear, anxiety and uncertainty.
Comfort and strengthen them, we pray,
that they may know the healing power of your love.
O God of mercy,
hear our prayer.
For the leaders of nations and all who are in positions of political authority,
that they may hear your voice above all others
and act in such a way that brings about healing and reconciliation.
O God of mercy,
hear our prayer.
For those who mourn and wonder, "O God, where were you?"
May they know your presence
and see how you use something that was meant for evil
to bring about something that can be used for good.
O God of mercy,
hear our prayer.
For our enemies, the ones for whom we would rather not pray,
and for ourselves:
lead us from prejudice to truth; deliver us from hatred and revenge;
give us courage to overcome our fears and build bridges,
that we may stand before you reconciled through Christ our Lord.
O God of mercy,
hear our prayer.
Here other intercessions may be offered.
We remember with affection those who now rest from their labors,
especially those we name before you now, on our lips or in our hearts. . . .
Keep us in fellowship with all your saints
and bring us at last to the joy of your heavenly kingdom.
O God of mercy,
hear our prayer.
Hear our prayer, O Lord,
increase in us the gift of faith that our lives may reflect your glory,
through Jesus Christ our Lord.
—from the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America website.
See also Prayers of the People: Sept. 11, 2011.
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