Prayer of the Day: Proper 22A

Here’s a prayer based on three of the scripture texts for October 2, 2011 (Proper 22A).

(inspired by Exodus 20:1-20, Matthew 21:33-46, Philippians 3:4-14)

God of wrath and thunder, (Exodus 20:18)
who hates those things which destroy his creation
and harms his creatures,
who shows us through his prophets
the way of peace with each other,
and who in Jesus Christ the corner stone
gave us the new foundation of love;
save us from the self righteousness
that leads us to rely on our own resources,
and from making ourselves immune
to the challenge of those who are different.
Give us the courage
to give away those things which make us count
so that only Christ will count with us;
through the same Jesus Christ, our Lord. Amen.

—from Starters for Sunday, posted on the website of the Church of Scotland.