Offering Prayer: A Fruitful Harvest

Prayer for the Offering

Let us pray.

O God,
who desires good for all creatures,
satisfy our hunger not just for food,
but for freedom, truth, justice and love.

O Risen Christ,
you revealed yourself to us
as one who gives to the poor and cares for all people.
We dedicate our lives and our offerings to your service.

O Holy Spirit,
bless these gifts and abide in our hearts
so that our gifts and our actions
may live out our faith,
glorify God,
and bring forth a fruitful harvest for the kingdom;
through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.

—from A Service for the Eve of Thanksgiving written by the Rev. Thomas L. Weitzel, a pastor of the ELCA, and posted on Liturgy by TLW.  

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For more creative worship resources for Thanksgiving Sunday or Harvest celebrations, click on Thanksgiving Sunday in the list of “Labels” at the lower right side of the page, or see this Thanksgiving Day Resources index.