Litany of Confession for September 11

Creator God, with the breath of your word,
you formed this world good, but we perverted your providence.
So we are born into a twisted world, bent by its way.
Lord, in your mercy,
Make us new.

You made us to hunger after you,
but we have become captive to selfish desires.
We turn our eyes from souls and bellies that are empty
so we can stay glutted.
Lord in your mercy,
Make us new.

You made us to be in communion with one another,
yet we’re so afraid of others’ expectations
that we shut them out before they can get too near.
We see them as threat, label them bad,
refuse their voice and presence as your children.
Lord, in your mercy,
Make us new.

You alone are ruler of the universe,
but we keep trying to take your job.
We grab for power and seek control,
doing violence to all who get in our way or challenge our truth.
Lord in your mercy,
Make us new.

Basically, Lord, we want to be in charge, and we want it all,
the way we want it, when we want it.
In our dominance,
we break communion with you as Lord and also with others.
Lord in your mercy,
Make us new.

We stand exposed in the light of your eternal love,
filled with death, yet longing for life.
You alone have the power to break our bondage to sin.
Forgive us, O Lord.

Cover us with your compassion, and refashion us in your image.
This we pray through Christ, our only hope.

—from September 11 Remembrance Liturgical Resourcesposted on the PCUSA website.  

For more prayers and litanies for the tenth anniversary of 9 11, click on September 11 Worship in the list of “Labels” at the lower right side of the page.