Affirmation: The Love-Kingdom of God

We believe in the love-kingdom of God,
through Christ upon us, within us, beyond us.

We believe the love-kingdom is like a mustard seed;
     sown in apparent insignificance,
     growing into magnificence for the greening of the world.
We believe the love-kingdom is like yeast;
     inserted in humble insignificance into the dough of life,
     expanding into enough bread for the world.
We believe the love-kingdom of God is like a treasure;
     lost and rendered insignificant under the ground,
     now found with joy and thanksgiving.
We believe the love-kingdom of God is like pearls;
     all others become in insignificant
     when the largest, most beautiful pearl of all is found.
We believe the love-kingdom of God is like a net full of fish;
     where even insignificant sardines are saved
     but worm-ridden barracouta are thrown away.

We believe in the love-kingdom of God,
     through Christ upon us, within us, beyond us;
where the meek and the poor, the merciful and the hungry,
     rejoice with the angels of God.

Loving God, we believe; scatter our unbelief.

— written by Bruce Prewer and posted on Bruce Prewer’s Home Page website. Visit that site for many other great resources for Proper 12A (the sixth Sunday after Pentecost)

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