Intergenerational Prayer of Confession

(in unison)
It is easy to see pride and prejudice in other people.
And it is tempting to think we’re better and smarter than they are.
But God, we are no different.
We too are foolishly proud.
We too are afraid of people who are different from ourselves.
Forgive us, O God.
Help us to see and celebrate your life-giving Spirit
within the whole creation
within all people,
at all times,
through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.

—from Breath of God: Pentecost Sunday, an intergenerational worship order from The Whole People of God

For more intergenerational worship resources for Pentecost Sunday, see Intergenerational Worship on Pentecost and A Story for Pentecost Sunday.

For more prayers of confession and other worship resources for Pentecost Sunday (June 12, 2011), click on Pentecost in the list of links at the lower right side of the page.