Prayers of the People for Fathers' Day

Fathers’ Day Litany

On this day when we remember fathers, let us offer our prayers to God, who has adopted us as sons and daughters through the waters of baptism.

O God, you formed your son Adam from the dust of the ground, and breathed your holy breath into his lungs, giving us all the gift of life; breathe again your Life into us, your children and your church, that we might be one with you. Lord in your mercy, hear our prayer.

Lord of all, you formed great nations out of great families and blessed the children of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob that they might be a blessing to all. Bless our nation and all the nations of the world with your Fatherly Presence, wisdom, and peace. Lord in your mercy, hear our prayer.

As the children of Israel found themselves slaves, making bricks for Pharaoh before you heard their cry and brought them to freedom, we pray for all in this world who are in trouble of any kind. We pray for the poor, the hungry, the imprisoned, the victims of war and all who live in terror’s wake. Lord in your mercy, hear our prayer.

Your Son, Jesus, was raised by Joseph the carpenter, who saw him grow year by year in strength and wisdom. We pray for all in our family of faith, and especially those celebrating birthdays and anniversaries this week  . . . Lord in your mercy, hear our prayer.

Your Son, Jesus, neither married nor raised children of his own, but he helped countless people come and mature to fullness of life and to Life Everlasting; and so we pray for all who nurture others with love and patience as spiritual parents. Lord in your mercy, hear our prayer.

Jacob's son, Joseph, to whom he gave the radiant coat, was beaten, betrayed, and sold into a life of hardship before rising to greatness; and so we pray for all who are injured, hurt, sick, lonely, or live in fear, especially. . . (those to be prayed for by name). Lord in your mercy, hear our prayer.

Gracious God, as our Heavenly Father you gave us the gift of your own Son, and out of our human blindness the crowds called for him to die on a cross; we pray for the dying and the dead. Bring all your children home. Lord in your mercy, hear our prayer.

Our Father, who dwells in Heaven, we pray for all fathers. Strengthen and bless fathers to be faithful, loving and present; and for those fathers who you have brought into your Kingdom ahead of their children, and children ahead of their fathers, enfold them with your Holy Light and enfold us with your comfort. Now and forever, Abba, we pray. Amen.

— posted on Rick Morley’s blog, A Garden Path. He suggests that “You may use, or alter, this litany in any way you'd like; and you may reproduce it for liturgical use.”  His only request is that you let him know (via a comment on his website or email) who you are and how you’ve used it. 

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