Scriptural Call to Worship
Grace and peace to you from God our Father,
who has blessed us with every spiritual blessing
that comes from heaven: (Eph 1 )
who knew you and chose you before the world began; (I Pet 1 , Eph 1 )
who loves you so much that he calls you his own children; (I Jn 3 )
who has brought you from darkness into light
and filled you with his glorious power; (Col 1 )
who has prepared an inheritance for you
that will never spoil or fade; (I Pet 1 )
who encourages and strengthens you
in every good deed and word; (2 Thess 2 )
who comforts you in your troubles
so that you can comfort others. (2 Cor 1 )
This is our God,
the ultimate source of all things,
and the One for whom we live. (I Cor 8)
Let’s worship God together!
~ compiled by Christine Longhurst, re:Worship