Jesus Christ, mediator and high priest,
we thank you for becoming human
and for experiencing the joys and sorrows of life,
which assures us that you are able to sympathize and rejoice with us.
We praise you for the many joys of life:
for the beauty of creation,
for your work in this world,
for the growth of your kingdom,
for the greatest source of our happiness:
the gift of eternal life.
As our mediator, you stand before God,
petitioning him on our behalf,
so we boldly bring before you our prayers for
creation and its care,
for the nations of the world,
for our nation and its leaders,
for this community and those in authority,
for the church universal as it works on your behalf,
for this local church in its ministry,
for persons with particular needs.
We pray this in your strong name, O Christ,
our mediator and high priest. Amen.
— from the Calvin Institute of Christian Worship website.
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