Video Suggestions for Easter 2: Doubt

If your worship on the Sunday after Easter includes a look at John 20:19-31 (the story of “doubting Thomas”), here are a few videos on the theme of doubt that you might want to explore:

Description: This short skit portrays the devil asking for proof of God's love. When we're asked to defend our belief in that love, in the face of constant turmoil, do we have an answer that will quiet the voice of doubt and give us a firm foundation to stand on? 

A Doubter’s Confession, produced by Floodgate.
Description: Did Jesus really rise from the dead? Christians say "yes", but sometimes doubt it internally. Experience the controversial internal voice of one Christian doubter.

Honest Churchproduced by timkressin.
Description: Too often in Church we see the word FAKE. People often have this misconception that we need to be perfect "without a doubt" Christians. But we all have doubts. What if in Church, instead of coming with masks, we came with questions? What if we made Church an honest community of people building their faith?
Description: A friend recounts the suicide of the 15 year old son of his best friends. Where was God? Why does He allow such tragedy? What does God think when we doubt His goodness? How do we hang on when God doesn’t make sense?

Description: The Grammy award-winning Christian rock band, Jars of Clay describes what it's like to go through seasons of doubt and questioning. This authentic video illustration reveals how their songs raise those questions head-on in an attempt to understand God's heart in the midst of difficult times.

Description: Is it OK to have questions about your faith? Christian teens talk candidly about their own doubts and questions.

The Work of the People has also produced a video and a corresponding loop you might want to check out: Doubting Thomas and Doubting Thomas Loop 
Description:  Jesus said to him, "Have you believed because you have seen me? Blessed are those who have not seen and yet have come to believe."

See also Video: Doubting Easter posted earlier.

(For more creative worship resources for the Sunday after Easter, click on "Easter 2" on the "Labels" list at the right.)