Prayer of Thanksgiving: Emmaus Road

Loving God, our elusive yet all-sustaining Friend,
            in spite of the negative doubters around us,
            we dare to celebrate your glorious Presence!

In this post-modern world
            where the illusion of your absence
            is felt keenly by numerous souls,
            we thank you for your gifts
            that break through to nurture us.

We give thanks
            for the accumulated sanity
            of the Holy Scriptures
            through which you speak to us
            even when our hearts feel cold.

We give thanks
            for the caring communities
            of your holy church
            where you are present
            with encouragement
            and profound healing.

We give thanks
            for those special, holy times
            when for a few seconds or hours
            this world’s shrouds split open
            and we glimpse your glory.

Most of all we give thanks
            for the gift of Christ Jesus
            who makes himself known
            in the breaking of bread
            to all who keep the tryst.

Loving Lord, elusive but faithful Friend,
            in spite of our scrappy faith and love,
            we dare to celebrate your glorious Presence!

— Bruce Prewer, from Jesus our Future: Prayers for the 21st Century, page 50,
Ó B D Prewer and Ó Open Book Publishers,
and reprinted on Bruce Prewer’s Home Page. Used by permission.

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