Prayer of Confession for Good Friday

Good Friday Confession

We confess to You, our Lord and Savior,
that we have betrayed and denied You,
forgotten and doubted You.

When our faith is tested, we wonder where You are.

When we see injustice in the world, we often stand by,
we turn our backs, we ignore the cries of others.

We confess that again and again we deny You
and betray You with our silence
when we fail to proclaim Your Good News,
when we fail to live out Your teachings
and love our neighbor as ourselves.

Forgive us, O God, and help us to truly repent.

Help us to remember Your sacrifice,
Your love,
and to know Your forgiveness.

In the name of the One who lived,
who was crucified,
and who lives again,
Jesus the Messiah,
we pray.


— Rev. Mindi Welton-Mitchell, from her website, Rev-o-lution

For another Good Friday prayer of confession, see Good Friday Prayer of Praise and Confession.