Liturgies, Monologues, and Drama: Emmaus Road
If you’re looking for creative worship resources about the Emmaus Road encounter, here are a few suggestions you might want to explore:
Wellsprings-on-the-Web has posted The Road to Emmaus - a Liturgy for Easter Morning. You may not be able to do the liturgy in its entirely, but perhaps a portion here or there might suit. The dramatic dialogue between Jesus and the two disciples is worth taking a look at.
For a monologue based on the Emmaus story, check out The Emmaus Incident, written by Crystal Goolsby from Austin , Texas . It’s the fourth scene in a larger collection of Easter monologues called With Our Own Eyes: Seven Monologues for Children about the Resurrection Appearances of Jesus, published by Seeds of Hope Publishers).
If you’re looking for a short drama, check out The Road to Emmaus, from Nige’s Christian Drama. It’s about 5 -7 minutes long.
For another Easter drama option, see On the Road to Emmaus, written by Will Groben and posted on his website,
For more worship resources for the third Sunday of Easter, click on Easter 3 A
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